noun, 1.1  a long story of heroic achievement

A new metaverse is born into existence, called Star Atlas

The Star Atlas galaxy, or 'Galia Expanse' as it's named, holds many artefacts of the past, present and future. 

SAGA embarked on a mission to celebrate Star Atlas art and design, while highlighting the rich tapestry of projects across the Galia Expanse. With a passion for preserving and cultivating the richness and diversity of the Star Atlas community, we aim to champion their stellar achievements and share their stories. Showcasing the artistic, design, fashion, and lore elements that encompass the entire Star Atlas metaverse. 

Join us on a journey through a handcrafted metaverse and discover the diamonds of the Galia Expanse.


Every work of art has a story

Star Atlas is more then 'just a game'. Star Atlas is a massively multiplayer online metaverse that is emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, and UE5 3D multiplayer video games. The game features an immersive universe with a real economy and a decentralized governing system. Combine that with the Star Atlas BUILD* program, and it creates massive opportunities for players, artists, coders and entrepreneurs alike to explore and discover new ways of connecting and thriving in this new metaverse. Star Atlas is build for builders.


We publish articles about the exquisit official Star Atlas art and design, but maybe even more importantly, we want to showcase the projects and products inspired by Star Atlas, made by the community, and tell their stories. Our definition of art is very broad. We are looking for community projects with AAA quality products, from written articles and graphical artworks or anime, to metaverse-film and -photography, in-game skin designs, regional lore or any other products licensed under the Star Atlas IP. As we are still very early, and the metaverse is slowly, but steadily evolving into this new universe full of potential and possibilities, more community content will be published here.

We are here to tell your story.


If you have a project you would like to share, or seen one we should know about, just send us a message  🚀

*Star Atlas BUILD enables you to create, produce (and sell) anything you can think of, inspired by Star Atlas, licensed under the Star Atlas IP (first million dollar is revenue free). From merch and apparel, to UE5 Solana integrated blockchain games using the F-Kit, and more.